Doug Wyatt and Alison Repp

October 4, 2023 5:00 pm

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The Wordsmith vs. The Dirty Words of Anti-Persuasion: Prepare to be enlightened and entertained with an exercise in verbal gymnastics to create desired results! We’ve been studying the psychology of influence for the past 27 years, and we believe the words we share matter! The foundation of Synergy’s Customized CSR, TECH & SALES programs for HVAC and PLUMBING companies is centered around specific word choices, and serving our customers with passion and integrity. The way we communicate with our potential customers will either inspire them to choose us, or drive them to continue “shopping or calling around.” While the vast majority of consumers have been led to believe they should be seeking the cheapest price, we believe it’s our duty to effectively and honestly persuade them that receiving the overall most value is what matters most! And in order to do that, The Words We Share Matter!

Doug Wyatt is a former award-winning contractor, a two-time Lennox Partner of The Year, a Service Nation Alliance’s Preferred Training Partner, and a powerful and entertaining speaker. Synergy Learning Systems was awarded “The Most Value Added To Your Business” in a nationwide vote of Service Nation Alliance Members at SNA’s International Roundtable in Nashville, TN in April of 2023. In the past two decades, Doug has worked with over one thousand home service businesses and well over five thousand heating, air conditioning, and plumbing technicians. Many have called his training engagements the freshest new content to hit the trades in the past 30 years. Doug founded Synergy Learning Systems to share powerful and comprehensive training programs delivered in both three-day regional live events and comprehensive virtual training formats. These trainings focus on communication and growth strategies in four distinct areas customized for both HVAC and Plumbing businesses: Call Center, Service Tech, Sales, and Leadership. Doug is also a 7 Habits Certified Leadership Instructor.

While obtaining a master’s degree in psychotherapy from CU Denver, Alison worked a commission-only position with a door-to-door sales company. She quickly learned the power of managing her emotional state and succeeding in the face of rejection. She then opened her own private practice, coaching business leaders & CEO’s. She has created online mindset courses, is an international speaker, and works with the companies such as GE Health and Abbott Laboratories to develop their sales teams. After a nationwide vote by its members, Service Nation Alliance awarded Synergy Learning Systems The Preferred Partner “Most Value Added to Your Business” at The International Roundtable in Nashville, TN on April 04th, 2023. To learn more, visit